The type of dog that is suited to Gerringong Pet Accommodation are specifically the friendly and regarded safe breeds from toy to medium sized doggos, and some medium-large fur babies of this world.
They come with a happy nature, are sort of obedient or perhaps a little shy needing a safe, friendly place that will nurture and care for them and hopefully give them a great holiday.
If they could write a letter home this is what it would say
Dear Mum and Dad,
Hi, I am fine and happy they know what to do here and we have some great pals. Georgi and Loretta are really kind and give us lots of love.
We wake up at 7 and go straight out to the toilet from our comfy bedrooms. Then we play around and bark a bit, sniff, run, zoom, while them ladies get our breakky ready. Then after breaky a few daycare dogs come, and we sort have a party. We go out to the gardens and play some doggies sniffff and go crazy with excitement and play in the sand or water and get super messy, some like me just want to get me some pats and keep clean, they do good hugs and pats.
Then they take some photos and usually have time to send them to you.
Some doggies just sit around and if they are a bit sad, they get an extra cuddle, or walk on the lead or go up to the house.
the foods high quality (Royal Canine) oh and the snacks and bully sticks are good at sleep time.
oh, I gotta go, we may be getting snacks!
love ya, see you next week Poppy
During the day most dogs after the morning session settle and mix in with the other dogs in the outdoor & indoor boarding areas. Lunchtime is the time to just lounge around
A typical day is a busy morning - with breakfast, play, pat, eye clean, body checks and explore time.
This is supervised and facilitated by myself or our experienced handpicked staff.
Lunchtime is rest time.
Afternoon, pats, playtime, explore.
Mealtime around 4 to 5 pm
Dogs are then settled into suitable enclosures for nighttime at dusk.
Some reliable dogs are able to lounge around the dog boarding areas without requiring enclosing.
They will also have classical music playing to soothe them and a night light.
Any distressed or unsettled guests will be attended to and may even end up in the office or house.
we do separate dogs to manage anxiety and safety if we have reason to or dogs that prefer personal space but have no issues.